Retail Digital Signage

Elevate the shopping experience with the right digital signage displays!

retail digital signage display

User-centric, compelling and efficient

Engaging content is worthless if it is not equipped with the right solution.

Harmony digital understands retail needs and offers a signage solution that makes the customer shopping journey more enjoyable.

Attention grabbing and easy to use templates

With templates that want to make you wait and look, all you need to do is put them out there and make them do their work. Select one of your choice, tweak it, add your own images and text and there you go! You can create your very own template as well from scratch.

Get your sales rolling with the right promotions!

Making customers flock to your store with the right promotion can be tough but hey, with the right content and time to market your services, you can get all of it done well in advance.

Customers are always looking to bank on lucrative deals. With a good template, they can be prompted to visit your store!

Key Benefits

Retail digital signages help you drive in more footfalls.

They help you create more conversion rates compared to any other medium

They help you save on the printing costs for your marketing purposes.

They grab attention and help you establish strong brand image

They are easy to manage and offer more reliability

Instant updates can be done on your screens from anywhere.

They help you increase the reach of your newly launched products or services.

They help you streamline internal communication and delegate content management work efficiently.

Key Use Cases

Display New Arrivals

Loyal customers to your brand often wait for new arrivals. If they happen to pass by your store, there is a high chance they might visit. With new arrivals, they could also go on to make a purchase.

Highlight offers/Promotions

Customers need to know about the fresh offers you are running at your stock. With signages, you can ensure that every person visiting your store knows about them and plan their purchases accordingly.

Establish consistent branding

If you own multiple stores, it would be nice to have consistent displays across all the locations. By doing so, a strong brand message is delivered thus ensuring more trust in your products.

Showcase Brand Video

Branding plays a very important role in the growth of your business. With the right kind of video on your product, customers can be informed about your brand values and USP.

Attract New Customers

With the strategic placement of the signage at the window and the right content, you can be sure to get more footfalls. Signages carry an intrigue factor and this leads to more people flocking to your store.

Manage everything remotely

Any kind of update on the displays can be managed remotely. Even if a certain responsible staff for the displays is on leave, you can manage everything on the signages without having to actually visit the store.

Retail Digital Signage FAQs!

A retail digital signage is the TV screens you can place at your store to display new promotions, offers, new arrivals or any other promotional content relating to your store.
Consider it as a one-time investment on hardware and a few dollars on the software that let you save a lot on the printing costs and time of resources.
You can display anything right from your marketing video, promotions, offers to new arrivals. You can also go on to display a combination of the video and marketing images.
Anyone who owns a retail store can own a signage. The size of the store does not matter. Make sure you place it at the right location and it can be a beacon to all your foot traffic.