Education Digital Signage

Multipurpose signage for schools, colleges and universities!

education digital signage

Engaging, meaningful and result-driven!

Books impart knowledge and so do signages! They can be a new way to deliver meaningful learning to students. With the right content, they could revolutionize the way the education industry works.

Connect with your students via the signage

Every generation of students require new ways to connect, communicate and learn. Signages can be of great help in that. Due to their techy nature, they tend to get great attention easily compared to the blackboards or the notice boards.

Use them to engage your students!

Display any notice or announcements easily

Often students miss out on important information about happenings at your campus. Digital signages can help you with this problem. Instant messages or announcements can be circulated at remotely placed screens and these can catch the attention of students easily. By keeping templates ready for certain regular notices, it gets even easier.

Key Benefits

They are a digital approach which is more effective in imparting education

Keep students and faculty alert or notification on screens in case of an emergency

They are a great medium to spread awareness in regards to academic events, job fairs or sport events

Welcome new batch of students and get them prepared on the year activities to come

Save on costs on printing of flyers and brochures and get environment friendly

Highlight important notices like class schedules or semester results

Use them as a wayfinding guide to help freshmen students and parents navigate the campus.

Control all the content management activities remotely and delegate the responsibility to a single person for it.

Key Use Cases

Communicate on campus events

If there are specific events that your campus is known for, they ought to be displayed on signages to grab more attention and attendance of your students. This would be more impactful than flyers any given day.

Welcome new students

The new batch of students can be welcomed so they are well prepared for their year to come and also feel at home. Signages also create a nice impression that way thus helping to make a good name for the campus.

Display emergency alerts

If there is a fire alert or an attack alert to be displayed almost instantly, signages can be used to deliver the prompt message. It would just take a few seconds to do so and a lot of people would be altered almost instantly.

Highlight achievements

The morale of students can be uplifted by displaying their achievements in college. If your college has participated in any event and won, this can be displayed on the signages and bought to everyone's notice.

Introduce new course or degrees

If your campus has introduced new courses and you want them to be taken note of, digital signages are a good way to get started. With the right content, students can be convinced to give it a try if it pertains to their area of interest.

Display notices/announcements

Class schedules, results, or revised schedules, anything can be displayed on signages to keep the students well updated on them. The best part would be that it will save a lot on paper and printing costs.

Education Digital Signage FAQs!

Education digital signage are the digital displays that you can use at your educational campus to impart knowledge, circulate notices or information.
No, it is not. Consider it as an investment. The hardware, if used right, can last for many years. Everyone including the parents, faculty and students will benefit from them in some way.
They can be used to display almost any kind of notice, an emergency, results or anything that needs to be circulated to the students.
It can be anything in the form of an image, video or interactive HTML.